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My name is Kirsten Stendevad, Nordic Awakener of a more Feminine Future & Illuminary Leadership Evolver.

I am the (co)-author of 7 trendsetting books about the 21st century paradigms and have taught at Harvard BusinessSchool, MIT, Simmons Graduate School of Management (MBA Education for Women Only) as well as in companies such as Nordea, McKinsey & Co., Novozymes etc.

I have nearly two decades of experience in helping ambitious leaders, entrepreneurs and fiery souls lead from the Light within.

I can help you balance your masculine and feminine energies, master the 7 facets of 21st Century Leadership and enter an exclusive network of global frontrunners so you can so you can futureproofe yourself, your business and the planet.

Shall we talk?





My purpose is to help you become an Illuminary Leader

– at home, at work and in the world.

The fact that you have found this page tells me that

you have the potential to be one of the new Illuminairies:

a lighthouse that shines in the dark and shows the path forward.

You have probably heard the Calling for a while,

and now the time has come to respond.

Indeed, you are needed as a vital resource to help take Humanity to a new and better place: a World that works for All.

My personal mission is to source a loving network of 10.000 Illuminary Leaders within the next 10 years who each affect at least 10.000 people. 

This way, we can form a tipping point that can lift each other and Humanity to heights beyond our wildest imagination.

If this resonates with you you have come to the right place.

The first step is to find out whether we are a fit.

I look much forward to meeting you.


Because you are a leader, entrepreneur and/or fiery soul?



  • you are in danger of tunnelvision if you don’t broaden your perspective by being in frequent quality interaction with other brilliant minds that think radically different from yourself.
  • you are in danger of missing out on crucial trends and new business models because you don’t have time to stay up to speed in all areas all the time.
  • you are in danger of burning out because you often work too much (and sleep too little and have too little time for self-care).
  • you are in danger of not living your full potential because  you are not 100% clear and in alignment with your soul purpose.
  • you are in danger of being disrupted because of unforeseen sudden changes in your company, industry, career or family. And then what?
  • you are in danger of feeeling worthless if you only feel you are “somebody” because of your performance.
  • you are in danger of being only a half-excellent leader because you don’t master both feminine (yin) and your masculine (yang) qualities.
  • you are in danger of becoming a dinosaur because you don’t master the new rules of the game.


You do not qualify if you don’t have all of the following:

  • Interest in personal development
  • A learning mindset (vs fixed mindset)
  • Commitment to serve Humanity (through business)
  • Willingness to invest in yourself and your future.


5 Star Speaker

You got by far the highest evaluation: 5-figures from all participants on a scale of 1-5: Well done.

Kirsten taught me to walk on 2 legs.

Being a part of Kirsten Stendevad´s training has made a huge difference for me – both as a woman, leader and mother.

I received tools to reach and achieve more – without working harder more, even gaining renewed energy and peace of mind.

Before I used only one leg: the masculine. Kirsten taught me to use both my masculine and my feminine powers.

The future is feminine – also for men

Kirstens book and talk on why the future is feminine and how to adapt, is both highly relevant and very exiting – not least for men.

Kirsten can change your life

Kirsten Stendevad is an inspiring, personal and incredibly articulate speaker who is able to give her audience something to take home. If you listen closely, Kirsten can change your life.


We just evaluated the day and everyone who attended your super workshop agreed that it was the best one of the day and that it should be mandatory for everyone to hear what you said. Fantastic. Those who didn’t attend it were really sorry that they missed out, so we would like to hire you again.

If you want to retain women and young talent

Kirsten Stendevad is an inspiring and engaging speaker, who in an entertaining way talks about a refreshing approach to 21st century leadership. This workshop was full of interesting new angles about why holistic leadership is necessary today, not least if you want to attract and retain the new generations in the workplace .

Exceptionally inspiring and illuminating

Kirsten Stendevad is an exceptionally inspiring and illuminating woman and speaker. She has a rare ability to see past the obstacles many of us let ourselves be stopped by, and she contaminates us with her enthusiasm for new thoughts and ideas. She is always on the cutting edge of emerging trends.

You moved us

It was a great talk you delivered to Kirsten, I’m sure the “moved” something in everyone present.
With people like you in the world there is hope


Opened up a higher perspective on life, career and my true calling

“Kirsten is a visionary. She has observed and understood for a long time what others are only realizing as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic: The way we do business, the way we lead this world, must change. Kirsten has distilled the essence of what’s needed in 7 principles of leadership fit for the future. She has years of experience in developing leaders combined with a holistic outlook and compassion for others. This makes her the essence of what she teaches – a leader for the 21st Century.
Kirsten is a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and insights. She has in a very short time opened my mind up to a world I did not know existed, and with that, broadened my perspective on what my future can look like. I cannot wait to continue my journey with her and her high caliber network.”

Eva Kloeve, leader at World Bank, DC.

Have become more creative, productive and visionary

“I have learned so much that has changed so much for me. I have significantly strengthened my self-worth and my direction, and my creativity and productivity have increased while my stress has decreased.

I’ve got new good work habits, a great network and now even “impossible” dreams seem realistic.”

Tine Pia Jensen, CEO, Lumuma Production & brand agency

Nominated as Leader of the year and Colleague of the year

“My current leadership training with Kirsten is the most transformative I have ever experienced. The fact that it lasts almost a year and with monthly and weekly virtual meetings, makes it impossible not to establish new practices… I have  gained more physical strength, inner peace and not least more joy of life in general. The support from both Kirsten, her eminent and inspiring co-leaders and the entire cheering choir on the team means that I am now rooted in a community that gives me great strength and inspiration for my everyday life. With the results we already see for ourselves, those of us who participate in Kirsten’s training this year, I can not imagine anyone other than Kirsten, who can bring a group of leaders regardless of their gender, so far in such a short time – and with so much joy, laughter, togetherness, inspiration, energy, spirit, motivation and perseverance. Kirsten is truly a master at bringing out the most beautiful light in all of us and ensuring that we are nourished for both body and soul. I have just been told that I am now both nominated for Colleague of the Year and Leader of the Year – it would not have happened without this training!”

Laila Kofoed Chef, Head of IT Gjensidige Insurance

The best I have done for my career – it beats all outplacement programs

The leadership development course as a feminine future leader: It’s the best thing I’ve done in my career,

as the training deals with all the tools needed to lead in the new age as a whole person with the use of a feminine and masculine mind-set and practices.

Highly recommend Kirsten Stendevad’s training to everyone. It beats all outplacement programs.

Gitte Madelaire, Head of Operations and Culture, Ensure

Have received better balance, clarity self-worth, courage and drive

I can highly recommend Kirsten Stendevad’s leadership training. It is a wild transformational  journey, where we work from the inside out, creating an inner balance between the feminine and the masculine.

I have lived a large part of my life in predominance of the masculine, with achievement and action, but completely forgot to enjoy from the feminine.

Kirstens exercises are effective and have for me so far created greater results with an inner feeling of calm and balance. There is a super good mix between theory and practice in the training.

My feminine power has slowly increased, I dare to express it more, I now feel it physically in my body. At the same time, I have gained self-worth.

Kirsten oozes of feminine power, and she has a heart of gold.

I am so lucky and grateful to be part of her training where we learn to lead the future.

Janni Servais, Business coach specialized in better customer care, FOCUS Consulting

Invaluable support for pioneers

Thank you so much for your unstoppable dedication and abundant heart energy. To me, it is a surplus of a carat that is completely unique. Role model!

I have known some of the things you teach for many years, but because of your leader training I get to apply them, and therefore I have grown in completely new ways, with the wholeness intact.

I could not do the pioneering work I do without the support of the group – it is invaluable.

Kirsten Krogh CEO, Out-of-the-box & Beyond-the-box

Got more courage and bigger Visions

I am grateful for my leadership education with Kirsten. It has given me the courage to have bigger visions and a strong drive to create better results with more wholeness and balance.

Louise Koch
Corporate Sustainability Director Dell

A loving and competent training in the consciousness of the new era

The leadership training with Kirsten Stendevad is a competent, loving and enlightened introduction to the consciousness of the new era. On all levels, Kirsten Stendevad has a God-given ability to transcend and facilitate many years of experience in leadership and awareness work. She inspires leaders at all levels and introduces effective tools for 21st Century leadership in the most beautiful way.

Karsten Skjoldhøj
CEO DesignMind – the award-winning leading expert in Conscious Branding

Have taken a quantum leap as a person and leader

As a dedicated guide, Kirsten creates amazing settings for learning and personal development. Here she manages to build a bridge between the future-visionary feminine universe and the completely tangible tools that immediately strengthened my daily management. I have taken a quantum leap personally, as a leader and in my private life.

Simon Dalsgaard
Director, Deloitte

The World would be a better place if all leaders took this training

It is a fantastic enriching experience to participate in Kirsten Stendevad’s Future Leadership training. She has a huge reference apparatus, which she generously shares, in the form of anecdotes, quotes, an enormously broad knowledge of everything from quantum physics to spirituality as well as her own life experience. I have learned to use the feminine and masculine energy in a conscious and productive way that promotes creativity, intuition, proactivity, empathy, dynamism and momentum. The transformative learning most often takes place in a “learning-by-doing mode” through both bodily and thought pattern exercises. There is also an extraordinary power in the groups she puts together. Everyone sees and lifts each other in a very positive and life-giving light. There is no doubt that the World would be a better place if all leaders took Kirsten’s training.

Christian Helsengreen


If you have leader-DNA and want to invest in a stock that only goes UP: your own leadership and development

1. Please fill out the form below

2. Book a time in my calendar

3. Lets connect on social media – look for Kirsten Stendevad

If you are not interested in leadership, you can book a  coaching/mentoring session.

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Illumina means “Enlighten me”

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  • First chapter of the book “The future is feminine”
  • Summary of the 7 Rules of the 21st Century Leadership
  • Inspiration for your own leadership from Kirsten and her international network of innovators, role models and thought leaders
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