How Corona can Change our Inner and Outer Leadership
Meet serial success entrepreneur, CEO and “Business as a Love Affair” enthusiast Martin Bjergegaard for a talk about how the COVID19 crisis can become a quantum leap, for leaders, businesses and humanity.
Martin discusses alternative ways to cope with the current crisis and finding opportunities in its midst– by engaging with an inward and positive outlook. He points out how to take advantage of the situation to learn and maximize various collaborative platforms and tools to connect and reconnect with yourself and other people.
As CEO himself, Martin Bjergegaard highlights the positive gains that the business sector can achieve from this situation, giving stress to the necessity to realize and feel the real needs of its community and the prospects of resetting the business and look forward to new door openings.
Like how he positively tackled business in his endeavors, he takes up the beauty that has been created by this situation as somewhat an opportunity to start making everyone equal. Learning, growth and inspiration push us to recognize the grace in the catastrophe.
His challenge: do not miss this precious moment and stay present! Allowing ourselves to be authentic and to uplift everyone is an urgent undertaking for a quantum leap, for leaders, businesses and the rest of humanity.