How Corona can Change our Inner and Outer Leadership
Meet serial success entrepreneur, CEO and “Business as a Love Affair” enthusiast Martin Bjergegaard for a talk about how the COVID19 crisis can become a quantum leap, for leaders, businesses and humanity. Martin discusses alternative ways to cope with the current crisis and finding opportunities in its midst– by engaging with an inward and positive […]
The Mechanical Engineer that intuitively became a forerunner for the 21st Century Leadership Paradigm
Meet Jørgen Bonde Eriksen, an engineer, who shows a living example of the new business paradigm: he stopped working in the old ego-directed way because it gave him headaches. He dropped all plans and strategies and started to listen to the consciousness of the company every day, allowing it to tell him what to do. […]
Do you know crisis?
Crisis hurts the soul and breaks hearts. Crises send us into the unknown – without knowing whether we will ever come back whole. Crises can hit our most sore areas and stop, weaken or paralyze us. Crisis can be destructive. In short, crisis often is a terrible experience, and therefore something we fear. Unfortunately, however, […]
The need for women in technology
Why is it important that more women become interested in new technology? Why is it crucial that feminine values are represented in tech? Why should men care? Why should women become financially successful? Join me as I eKSplore these questions with international business consultant Susanne Odgaard, who has specialised in Women, Business and Technology and […]